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Vielen Dank!
Ihr Katerloch-Team
Donnerstag, 10. August 2023 18:17
Vielen Dank für die wunderbare Führung - ohne technischen Schnick-Schnack, nur die pure Höhle und viele Infos. Wir waren beeindruckt und begeistert.
Samstag, 22. Juli 2023 13:37 | Australia
Hello Fritz
It's Keith from Australia.
You suggested that I contact you if I felt your photos on the website didn't meet my needs.
The issues I have with the photos, from my point of view and as they show on your website (your originals may much better, I don't know) are:
- poor resolution
- focus is off in most photos, probably due to lens used
- colour in the pics doesn't match the colour I saw
- not vivid
- can only download images of about 0.5mb, which makes the images appear even less resolved.
As a further comment, a black background in websites often defeats the purpose of a good picture.
I don't know if you would like more visitors to visit, or if you're close to capacity.
But with a much better outcome on the I see it of course.... I think you would attract many more visitors. Had I looked at your images beforehand, I probably would have decided not to visit. International visitors are looking for special places these days and are very selective, sometimes for the wrong reasons.
Another gentleman there, a photographer, who you spoke with, said he thought your photos and resolution were great. That is not what I see.
Hope that helps.
Are you able to send me high quality images by email. That would be appreciated. Of course I wouldn't post them to social media without your approval.
I could have taken superb pictures there, and I had the right lens with me, an f1.2 24mm Sony G-lens with a 64mp top Sony camera.
An opportunity sadly missed for us both perhaps.
Thank you for the tour.
Karl Schweiger
Sonntag, 09. Juli 2023 16:53 | Kirchberg an der Raab
Ein unglaublicher Schatz in unserer Region, von einer außergewöhnlichen, empathischen Frau Edith den Ĝästen näher gebracht - Danke!
Karl & Angelika
Sonntag, 11. Juni 2023 21:46 | Graz
Was für ein Erlebnis!
Jedes Mal wieder!
Und so eine unterhaltsame und kurzweilige als auch informative Führung durch die faszinierende Unterwelt!
Einfach magisch!
Vielen Dank und bis bald!
Birgit Rönfeld
Samstag, 10. September 2022 20:01 | Hitzendorf
Danke für die tolle, interessante Führung heute! Noch viel besser als schon angekündigt!